Thursday 23 August 2012

Los Habanos - Cuban Cigars

I was in Cuba...I had to try at least once, right?  And so I did...twice! :-)

FIrst night, I had a Guantanamera.  It cost 3.50 CUC.  This was my beginner cigar. :-)

Next night, I had a Cohiba.  Supposedly the best of the best and it was a whopping 8.75 CUC for one.  This cigar used to be FIdel Castro's private brand! (Note: the ones in the picture below are chubbier versions compared to the one I smoked.)

The resort had a cigar room.   You can buy your cigar by the stick and smoke it there.

I told the bartender I was a newbie.  So he did the cutting and lighting for me. 

He also poured me a shot of Santiago de Cuba rum in a snifter.  ¡Excelente!

In his deep baritone voice, he advised me: "Don't swallow the smoke.  Just enjoy in your mouth."  So that's what I did...and it tasted pretty good.

I never smoked cigarettes (and never will).  I actually don't like the smell of cigarette smoke.  But in this room, the cigar smoke was fragrant!

Another local taught me how to hold the cigar "like a man"...wrapped around the forefinger with the middle finger extended.  And you were supposed to wave it around as you chit-chat through the night.  I guess I wasn't holding it 100% fingers look a bit obscene!  he! he!
Savoured the Cohiba to the last leaf! :-)

So did I pick up a cigar habit?  Nah.  It was good while it lasted but what happens in Cuba, stays in Cuba.  :-)  I'd probably be banished from the house if I started smoking at home!  It wouldn't be the same anyway... but man, in that cigar room, I felt like the "most interesting man in the world."  he! he!

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