Sunday 18 November 2012

Shopkeeping And Trigonometry

Will the people who actually thought trigonometry would be useful in "real" life raise their hands?  Yep, I thought so... nobody...unless you are one of my friends who grew up to be math professors. he! he!

So last week, out of the blue, my wife asked me to solve for the length of the edge of an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle whose diameter was 15 cm.  I was put on the spot...and I had already thrown away my trigonometry textbook of 30 years ago.  Thank goodness for Google.  he! he!  Yeah, I cheated...BUT, now I know how to do it.  Total recall!  Can't wait for my Gr. 8 daughter to get trigonometry homework now...which probably won't come for a few years more!  Anyway, I was able to give my wife the correct answer.  (...and if you must know, it is √3 * radius, which is about 13cm.)

And this was what she'd been up to....

Our new shop window display.  Hand-made with a bit of mathematical assistance from yours truly. :-)

Do you like it?

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