Sunday 16 September 2012

Shop Log: "One Ping Only"

Shop's Log.  Halifax NS.  September 14th, Friday, 15:56.  Weather: Sunny, 21℃.

I was chatting with a customer and found out he was a sonar, wow!  A real navy person who worked in a real destroyer.  He called the ship a CPF ...which I think stood for Canadian Patrol Frigate...but it was a destroyer.  I only lived this kind of life vicariously...from movies and the Dan Lenson novels (  Must be exciting.  Well, he said it's not really as thrilling as what we saw in the movies but still it was an interesting job.  He described how they'd sail up the Arctic and track Russian and Norwegian submarines that'd their poke noses into Canadian waters.  I could imagine them screaming: "It's an Akula class this-and-that..."  Cheap thrill for me, I know.... but that's probably the closest I'm going to get to a warship!  he! he!

So what was a navy man doing buying sushi-making tools?  Well, he said the ship's galley food was not something to look forward to...lots of fried stuff.  So he was going to make some sushi while on-shore.  He used to be a chef at a French restaurant in Vancouver, he revealed.  Very interesting career move!

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