Saturday 22 December 2012

Shop Log: Tokyo Tower?

Shop's Log.  Halifax NS.  December 21st, Saturday, 15:23.  Weather: Cloudy, 5℃.

Amidst the hubbub of Christmas shopping in the shop, my ears pricked up when I heard a customer's voice exclaim, "Wow! Tokyo Tower!"

As far as I knew, we had no product with Tokyo Tower on it so I took a quick peek at what elicited such a reaction.  A hand cream by Tokyo Milk (French Kiss No.15).

The customer was a Japanese lady.  The brand name was Tokyo Milk and there was an image of a tower on it.  I guess it was natural for her to assume it was the Tokyo Tower...instead of its far more famous cousin, Eiffel, which had served as its inspiration.

This is what Tokyo Tower looks like.  It was completed in 1958, 69 years after the Eiffel Tower.

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