Sunday, 30 December 2012

Gifts From Japan

Our dear friends in Tokyo sent us a box of goodies.  We love getting gifts from Japan because they are always exquisitely wrapped.  Of course, we like the contents too...he! he!

Upon opening the box, the first thing we noticed was the wonderful fragrance.  Included inside was this little bunkō--incense packet.  (Some also call it "fumikō").  This incense is not for burning.  It's enclosed with a letter or a package to give the recipient a burst of beautiful scent upon opening.

Some of the gifts were wrapped in furoshiki--wrapping cloths. One package contained assorted sembei (rice crackers).

The other pack contained karintō (a sweet, deep fried, crunchy snack)...almost like a hard doughnut!

And a packet of shrimp tsukuda-ni. It is a kind of preserved food, stewed in soy sauce and mirin (a sweet rice wine).

There was also a pack of yōkan--a firm jelly-like dessert made of agar and sweet bean paste.  This goes perfectly with Japanese green tea.  This didn't make the group picture because desire had overtaken sanity and we had already opened it! Yum! Yum!

Tonight, we will be toasting our good friends in Tokyo...and we will also be thinking what items from Nova Scotia to send them.  Any suggestions?

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